
  • Ibragimova Lizaxan Assistant teacher of the Department of Preschool Education NDPI


The role of fairy tales in folk pedagogy, especially in teaching young people to think logically with the help of riddles, has a wide place.Riddles in fairy tales are drawn into the plot of a fairy tale because of an event. They serve to strengthen and develop the content of the fairy tale. At the same time, each episode in a fairy tale story is a stage of development of a new meaning of the fairy tale, which is added to the main plot content, which contributes to the development of the imagination of its imagery. They allow for more than one story to be revealed during the story. This hidden, mysterious element that fills fairy tales is also found in riddles. This situation is extremely mobile, the form is rapidly changing, and fairy tales are always enriched with images, arousing the curiosity of the finder and encouraging him to find the riddle quickly. In other words, such puzzles attract the listener very little and make the process interesting, with the participation of young people. Riddles of a fairytale character are also characteristic of Karakalpak riddles, as they are found in the tales of the Wise Girl, One Tenge, Baglan Tas, Magar-magar, Jarlin's Daughter, and Kunlikshi. We see it in the contradictions between the characters, who are struggling to solve, arguing with each other, trying to find each other. Although these puzzles are like fairy tales, they are close to the puzzles in terms of making the story mysterious and demanding answers. In them, both the riddle character and the fairy tale character come in a series and give grounds to conclude that they belong to both. Such works cannot be considered in isolation. In this case, they may lose the character of fairy tales and riddles, and the meaning of the story may be unknown In folk pedagogy, the riddle is told in a prose way, in simple words, first of all, it depends on how the people want to accept it. Sometimes people want to hear sharp,
wise words that are concise, concise, and sometimes they want a detailed narrative method with simple peasant words. In both cases, folk pedagogy demonstrates a keen interest in and appreciation of one's spiritual treasures.




How to Cite

Ibragimova Lizaxan. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF LOGICAL THINKING OF YOUNG CHILDREN IN FOLK PEDAGOGY THROUGH RIDDLES. Innovative Technologica: Methodical Research Journal, 2(03), 11–13. Retrieved from